Our Patron
St Anthony of Padua

Parishes & Convents


Parish : Infant Jesus Church
Established : 1994
Patron : Infant Jesus
Catholics : 287
Families : 79
Address : Infant Jesus Church, Behind Raghavendra Talkies, Ballari - 583101
Tel : 08392 274545
Deanery: Ballari
Parish Priest : Fr. Ponnusamy
Mob : 9449247975
PPC Vice President : Mr. Deepak Daniel
PPC Secretary : Mr.Joseph Arun Kumar
Associations : Altar boys & girls, youth club.

Mass timings : 8:00 am on Sundays, 6:30 am on week days

A brief history of the parish
The parish was bifurcated from Sacred Heart Church Fort, Ballari. Infant Jesus Church was started on 3Dec. 1995 on the feast of St. Francis Xavier, in the Eastern side of the Ballari city in a rented house. There were 50 Christian families comprising 220 members. Fr. Denis Menezes was the first parish priest. The diocese bought a site in March 1997 and the newly built presbytery was blessed on May 3, 1998. The new church, constructed when Fr. Denis Menezes was the Parish Priest and blessed by Bishop Joseph D' Silva on 20 May, 1999. The faith of the parishioners is nurtured through the Basic Christian Communities. Fr. Anand Yemmi, Parish Priest with help of the parishioners has built an Infant Jesus Grotto which was blessed by Bishop Henry D'Souza on 17 Sept. 2015. The renovation of the church is in progress.

• Anugraha Convent of Apostolic Carmel Sisters

• Anugraha School for Differently Abled Children